Press Release Summary = Microsoft Outlook recovery tool. Repair pst and ost files of Microsoft Outlook.
Press Release Body = Recovery ToolBox for Outlook is designed to recover data from Microsoft Outlook pst files. The Microsoft Outlook mail client is part of the Microsoft Office software package and is one of the most popular mail clients in the world. The program can be also used to recover information from Microsoft Exchange ost files and/or convert them into Microsoft Outlook pst files. Some technical details about Recovery ToolBox for Outlook: - The program recovers data from corrupted pst files of all Microsoft Outlook mail clients, starting from Microsoft Outlook 97. To save the recovered information as files with the *.pst extension, you should have the Microsoft Outlook 98 mail client or higher installed on your computer; - You can also use Recovery ToolBox for Outlook to recover data from corrupted *.pst files protected with a password; - Recovery ToolBox for Outlook also recovers data from corrupted pst files larger than 2GB with the maximum size for *.pst files of 4GB; - The tool recovers data from corrupted *.ost files of Microsoft Exchange versions 5.0, 5.5, 2000, 2003; Recovers data from password-protected ost files; - Reads *.ost and *.pst files with strong encryption; - Works with ost files up to 4GB in size; - Runs under all Windows operating systems starting from Windows 98 (Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP). The structure of folders in new pst files created by tool coincides with the original structure of the original PST files. If necessary, you can use Recovery ToolBox for Outlook to convert an .ost file into a .pst file. Data stored in the .ost file will be scanned, identified and saved to the disk as a .pst file. The new *.pst file can be used in Microsoft Outlook or moved to another computer for future use. The software allow to save a recovered objects in a separate files: - eml - for a saving a recovered emails; - vcf - for a saving a recovered contacts; - txt - for a saving a recovered notes.